Technology Saving Lives
Primarily focused on Europe, panel discussions will address the latest developments pertaining to the priorities of practitioners in relation to program development, new research, technological advances, including a look at the current environment surrounding interlock legislation and policy. Emphasis will be on the strengths of European projects, their respective challenges, and how to overcome them.
About the Symposium
Since 2000, the Alcohol Interlock Symposium global forum has hosted leading experts to discuss ongoing research and development regarding alcohol and drug impaired driving, interlock programs, and road traffic safety. TIRF has organized and hosted the international symposia series on alcohol interlocks in partnership with government agencies in different jurisdictions.
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About the Symposium
Since 2000, the Alcohol Interlock Symposium global forum has hosted leading experts to discuss ongoing research and development regarding alcohol and drug impaired driving, interlock programs, and road traffic safety. TIRF has organized and hosted the international symposia series on alcohol interlocks in partnership with government agencies in different jurisdictions.
We’re bringing together international policy makers, criminal justice and health professionals, licensing authorities, researches, government officials, innovators, and industry representatives to be part of a three day exploration of new ideas and innovative technological developments in the expanding field of alcohol interlocks.
Share research and best practices pertaining to Alcohol Ignition Interlocks, DUI compliance monitoring programs and preventative commercial applications.
Collaborate with international academic institutions, advocacy groups and government agencies focused on traffic and transportation safety.
Network with traffic-safety researchers, practitioners and industry professionals from around the world while developing skills and forge connections.
Showcase the latest innovations and developments in the design and production of Alcohol Ignition Interlocks and other impaired-driving prevention technology.
the host